Plaintext Mail

Einheiten und Menge korrekt ausgeben

Die Zeile

{{ loop.index }} 

Durch diesen Code ersetzen

 {{ loop.index }}     {% if lineItem.payload.neon_unitarticles is defined and lineItem.payload.neon_unitarticles.dimensions is defined %}{% if lineItem.payload.neon_unitarticles is defined and lineItem.payload.neon_unitarticles.surcharges is defined %}{% for surcharge in lineItem.payload.neon_unitarticles.surcharges %}{% if surcharge.value > 0 %}inkl. {{ surcharge.label }}:{{ surcharge.value|currency(currencyIsoCode)}}{% endif %}{% endfor %}{% endif %}{% endif %}{% if lineItem.payload.options is defined and lineItem.payload.options|length >= 1 %}, {% for option in lineItem.payload.options %}{{ }}: {{ option.option }}{% if lineItem.payload.options|last != option %}{{ " | " }}{% endif %}{% endfor %}{% endif %}    {% if lineItem.payload.neon_unitarticles is defined and lineItem.payload.neon_unitarticles.isQuantityHidden %}1{%  else %}{{ lineItem.quantity }}{%  endif %}{{ lineItem.unitPrice|currency(currencyIsoCode) }}{{ lineItem.totalPrice|currency(currencyIsoCode) }}

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